

Ginny Black, CCREF Trustee Chair, is honored at the USCC Annual Conference

02/13/2017 2:01 PM

Recognizing her many years of dedication to the industry, Ginny Black was awarded the Hi Kellogg Award for outstanding service to the Composting Industry: Ginny began her work in compost for the State of Minnesota by helping counties develop their solid waste management plans; she was lead planner in 1995 through 2000. Her expertise included yard waste composting, source separated organics composting and mixed municipal waste composting. In her capacity as the lead compost specialist, she worked with all the compost facilities in the state and the University of Minnesota’s Soil, Water and Climate staff to provide compost operator training, facility design assistance, assistance with regulatory issues, and collection program design and education

Ginny was a 15-year member of the USCC Board of Directors and now serves as Chair of the Trustees for the Composting Council Research and Education Foundation.

Everyone at CCREF congratulates Ginny for receiving this award and for her many years of hard work and dedication to the Foundation and the industry overall.

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