ICAW Volunteer Coordinator

Want to join the list of ICAW volunteer coordinators and help grow ICAW where you live?
All across the country there are dedicated ICAW supporters working to build awareness about ICAW in their state and community with the ultimate goal of increasing organics recycling and compost use. With their help, ICAW has continued to grow every year with more and more people participating in ICAW events and activities leading to increased composting and compost use in more states and communities across the US.
What Do ICAW Volunteer Coordinators Do?
The one thing all ICAW Volunteer Coordinators to is come together during the week of ICAW to help get the message out but everyone does that differently. Some coordinators take on overseeing everything going on in their state, others focus only on their own community or town. Some focus on reaching out to all their state and local legislators, others focus on closer to home activities such as getting out to local farmer’s markets or schools. Some do it on their own, others form committees. There is no one way to be a coordinator. It just takes dedication to the ICAW goal, creativity and enthusiasm.
Want to learn more?
Just fill out the form and we’ll get in touch with you to give you more details on what it means to be an ICAW Volunteer Coordinator.
This form is for volunteers who live in the United States. Other countries have ICAW volunteers in their countries.