Helpful Links
Agriculture in the Classroom
Established in 1985 as a partnership between Cornell University, the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, the NYS Education Department, and the New York Farm Bureau, NY AITC educates youth, teachers, and consumers about agriculture and the food and fiber system. The site offers information, lesson plans, helpful links, awards, and grants.
Backyard Magic: The Composting Handbook
K-6, students, teachers
Produced by the Department of the Environment of New Brunswick in Canada, the site offers a range of information for turning organic household waste into a valuable soil conditioner. Some of the sections include: The Compost Container, Can I Compost This?, Composting Indoors, and Worm Composting. The site is also available in French.
City Farmer: Worm Words
Dictionary of composting terms.
Composting with Children
A Complete Guide to Composting for Kids
Composting at School
The ABCs of establishing an effective composting program at schools in Chittenden County, Vermont
Composting 101: Making Composting Understandable For Kids [A Complete Guide]
Composting refers to the natural process of decomposition and recycling of organic elements, such as grass, into an enriched soil amendment, and the soil amendment is called compost.
“The Compost Story” by Kiss the Ground
Have you ever looked at a banana peel and thought, “Is that it?” Does life go on? Could this humble peel serve a greater purpose?
Composting for Kids
Composting Association of Vermont Unveils Expanded Farmer Toolkit, Secures Renewed Funding, and Hosts Summit Next Week
Composting With Kids Worksheet
Composting With Kids Printable Pack
Cornell University
Composting curriculum with K-12 lesson plan
EPA: Composting Basic Information
Basic definition of compost with acceptable bin materials.
Georgia Recycling Coalition Children Ideas
Create fun educational materials for children
How to Compost
all ages, students, teachers
This site serves as a hub of information for anyone interested in composting, with an online composting handbook, as well as tips for managing yard waste. This site also offers links to a compost quiz, a bumper sticker, publications, children’s activities, an online resource for microbial science, and sites that provide tips for successful maintenance of the various types of compost piles.
ICAW at the Library
Kids Composting Activities
Composting for kids - One of the most valuable lessons you can teach your child
Life Lab
Farm- and garden-based education
School Composting: A Manual for Connecticut Schools
How to implement a school-based composting program
“The Soil Story” by Kiss The Ground
Science meets inspiration in this tale of nature’s best hidden innovation: soil.
The Soil Story Curricular Guide
The Soil Story Curricular Guide was created through a collaborative partnership between Kiss the Ground and Life Lab. It serves as a supplemental material for teaching middle schoolers Next Generation Science Standards.
Composting for Kids - PDF Download
Educational Videos
Composting 101– basic video for backyard composting
Composting Made Easy – video for backyard composting of grass clippings and yard waste
Free Copy of A Garden for Every Child

This much loved and helpful curriculum guide for teachers, parents and anyone who wants to teach children about gardening, is now available in an electronic, free downloadable version. Over the years, so many people have asked to have this educational book easily available. They wanted to be able to introduce young children to the joys of gardening, the benefits of compost and the scientific wonders of what is growing in our soils. Due to the current situation with many children attending school online and so many families starting gardens at home, this seemed like the perfect time to turn A Garden for Every Child into an electronic version. A Garden for Every Child was created by GardenSoxx®.
Downloadable version HERE