

Three Well Known Programs Come to the CCREF

06/29/2016 10:14 AM

January 2016
At the US Composting Council’s (USCC) Board of Director meeting in January the decision was made to transfer the Compost Training Program (CTP), International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) and the Test Methods for Evaluating Compost and Composting (TMECC) to the CCREF. The CCREF Board of Trustees was pleased to accept all three programs at its January Board meeting.
Compost Training program
The CTP has been under the management of the USCC for many years and been the organizations program for training compost industry professionals in the proper management methods at commercial compost facilities. Currently the program consist of a 5-day training and several ½ and 1 day courses.
The program had its beginnings in the early to mid-90’s when the first comprehensive Compost Operator Training Manual was developed by the CCREF. The Manual, with updated information, became a 5-day training course that is offered by the USCC to compost industry professional around the US. The course materials need to be updated again in order to keep up with the latest research and management practices and plans are to move forward with those update. In addition, the CCREF is looking at other course topics that may need to be developed as well as the potential for developing on-line training course.
Test Methods for Evaluating Compost and Composting (TMECC)
The TMECC is another program that has its origins with the CCREF. The scientific research needed to develop the TMECC was carried out by the CCREF with generous donations from the private sector. This program also needs to be updated periodically to keep up with the latest science and advances in the equipment used to test compost. Several test methods have been update over the past several years and the CCREF is developing a plan for ongoing updating of test and monitoring certified laboratories to assure that they are conducting the methods properly.
International Compost Awareness Week
The ICAW program fits with the education focus of the CCREF and for that reason was transferred from the USCC to the CCREF. The Foundation is pleased to be able to bring the ICAW under its wing and looks forward to having its new chair Teri Sorg-McManamon back at the helm. Planning is underway for 2017 and it promises to be an exciting year, so stay tuned.

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Compost Research and Education Foundation (CREF)
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1053 E Whitaker Mill Rd
Suite 115
Raleigh, NC 27604

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PO Box 19246
Raleigh, NC 27619
tel: (833) 812-2733
