International Compost Awareness Week Kicks Off in Bethesda, MD
05/15/2018 1:47 PM
Bethesda Green, an incubator and community partner working towards building a sustainable economy, along with the Composting Council Research & Education Foundation (CCREF) and the Montgomery County Food Council (MCFC), hosted an event to kick off International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) on April 30, 2018.
Talia Mitre, a high school student from nearby Rockville, MD who attends the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School attended. Talia is the winner of the ICAW Poster Contest. Her design was chosen from nearly 300 entries from over 30 countries. At the event, Talia signed copies of her poster and explained her thoughts behind her design. Presentations were also made by representatives from the Montgomery County Food Council, Bethesda Green, MCFC’s Environmental Impact Working Group, as well as from ICAW Committee Chair, Teri Sorg-McManamon. Representatives from the US Composting Council and CCREF also attended.

ICAW Committee Chair, Teri Sorg- McManamom with Talia Mitre